This website is full of important and useful information for students and parents to use. Please check in often for updates and additions.
To contact the school please use the phone or fax number below:
Phone Number: 302-422-1640
Fax Number: 302-424-5453
To contact a teacher please go to the Staff Directory page to send an e-mail, or call the school at 302-422-1640. Please note you will need to leave a message during the school day as the teachers cannot be interrupted while working with students.
Newsletters are sent home monthly with the students. Be sure to read yours for news and updates from the school.
Each student has an agenda book that is used to share information between parents and staff members at school
Our PTP e-mail address is:
Ross News and Announcements
SY25-26 School Choice Meeting top be held Thursday, October 24, 2026