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Library and Media Center

The Ross Elementary School Library Media Center strives to prepare students with the necessary skills to become critical thinkers, ethical users, and producers of ideas and information. Students will be exposed to a variety of media resources and devices, allowing for equitable access to information and tools.  We aim to prepare our students in becoming globally competitive in the 21st century. These skills reflect the most current Delaware State Standards and expectations.
Students are scheduled to visit the Library Media Center during their related arts time. 
Students can use the digital library catalog to search for books available in the Ross Library.  Students may search by author, title, subject, or series. Each student has a personal account to view books currently checked out in their name.


The University of Delaware LOVES our students. They have provided online resources such as Encyclopedia Britannica, and Pebble Go, that students can use when conducting research.


Students can Sign In to their personal BrainPOP account to access tons of educational videos, quizzes, and games.  They even have the opportunity to create their own BrainPOP video using this site.  Students G Suites for Education to Sign In, and enter their Google ID and password.